Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Just over 24 hours before I leave, and I am so unprepared. I am on my way in a moment to go pick up "the big suitcase" from my parents house (my own luggage is sadly lacking in the size department), so I can start getting all packed and ready to go. I discovered that the pants I plan to wear as part of my "Abby" costume have a hole in them... a small one, but its right in the front at the bottom of the fly... that could be embarassing! Its on the seam though, so its a quick fix... but something else to add to my list of things to do.

I found out tonight that I probably won't get to see the old friend that I recently discovered has moved to LA while I'm down there. The schedules just don't jive... I'm very bummed, because he was someone who meant a great deal to me during a very rough time in my life, and I would love to reconnect. At the same time, its one less thing to cram into my schedule while I'm down there. Ups and downs, I guess.

I thought about trying to go to The Price Is Right the first day I'm in town, since I arrive in the morning and can't check in until late afternoon... but although the first show of the day doesn't tape until 1300, and it appears that tickets are still available, it says on the website that they open the waiting area at 0600. Erm... yeah, not spending my entire vacation waiting in line... even if its to "Come on down!" Still on the list of things to do before I die... but I'm not planning on dying anytime soon, so I think that one can wait for the next trip I take down there.

Anyway... off to grab the fabled big suitcase... Laters!

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