Thursday, September 13, 2007

In the event of an emergency landing...

Well, the time is nigh... I'm sipping my venti soy no water chai in the comfort of the, uh, airport right now, waiting for boarding time to arrive. I hate flying... being herded around both the airport and the aircraft. Have to undress and unpack my bags to get through security. Okay, it was just taking off my shoes, taking off the sweater I had tied around my waist, taking my laptop out of its case and the toiletries out of my carry on. But still... annoying. On the upside though, I was able to upgrade to first class for cheap. Hmm, that doesn't look right. On the upside, though, I was able to upgrade to First Class for cheap. Ooh, yeah, thats better! Haha... Its already had its benefits, I was able to zoom through the express line at security, whee! Throw in the extra seat space, and I think a girl could definitely get used to this.

It occurred to me last night as I was packing The Big Suitcase that its probably going to get rifledd through by the TSA too. Not only do I have various accoutrements for my Abby costume (chains, dog collars, etc), but I also have several used cell phones I'm taking to donate to Operation Gratitude . Yeah, cuz that doesn't look suspicious. Oh well, they'll just be sorely disappointed. Well, by everything except maybe the dog collar. ;)

Anyhow, time to run away from the nice corner at the Starbucks (with the power outlet, no less) that I am hiding in and go hang out at the gate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun!!
