Thursday, September 13, 2007

Costume party pictures!

First, get into costume...

Mustn't forget to have fabulous shoes!

Find a table...

....and get into character!

Harriet Margulies, NCIS audience liaison, cuts the cake in celebration of 100 episodes!

"Elf Lord"... the single McGee entry.

Director Shepherds




Jimmy Palmers

Various recurring characters...

Kate Todd (pre-mortem), Agent Lee, Kate (in McGee's fantasy),

Dr. Jeanne Benoit, and Mrs. Mallard


One particularly good Ducky... complete with the autopsy monkey.


Me with Harriet Margulies, NCIS Audience Liasion

& actress in NCIS episodes "Forced Entry" and "Escaped".


Anonymous said...

HAHA ... Great pics! We had bets placed on how soon you were going to have them uploaded, I'm sad to say that Brenda won by saying you would go straight to your room and do it! I hope you're enjoying your time there! =)


Jen said...

hah, she had it tied up... I told her I was going to upload photos every night!! :)