Friday, July 31, 2009

Twilight mania!

Once again, I didn't imagine to get my blog entries written while I was actually on my trip, but this one isn't quite as late in coming as last time!

Last week my goddaughter, Shaila, visited from Phoenix, and we went on a "Twilight" bender, watching the movie (multiple times), visiting the sites around the Portland metro area where the Twilight movie was filmed, and roadtripping up to Forks, WA (where the story is set). We were both a bit Twilighted out by the end of the trip, but had a great time, and made some really fun memories!

In front of the Carver Cafe, where Charlie & Bella go to eat in a couple of different scenes in the movie.


Having lunch at the Carver Cafe

Shaila signed the guestbook - & took up an entire page!

Sitting in "Bella & Charlie's" corner.

Historic pictures of Forks, WA still hang on the walls, long after the filming is over.

In front of "Bella & Charlie's house" from the movie.

Shaila found Edward Cullen in front of a shop in St. Helens, OR.

The building that was used as "The Bloated Toad" restaurant in the film.

On the steps of Kalama High School, which played Forks High School in the movie.

Shaila posing with Abby the PT Cruiser in the high school parking lot - several keys scenes in the Twilight movie were filmed right here.

Shaila is waiting in Edward's parking spot for him to show up... where is he??

Our hotel room in Forks, WA - All decorated with a Twilight theme!

In front of Bella's truck, as described in the book, at the Visitors' Center in Forks.

Bumper stickers on the back of "Bella's truck"....
"Vampires <3>

The little green sign at the top of the window in the Visitors' Center reads:
Entering Forks Population: 3175 Vampires: 8.5

Forks gets more rainfall a year than Shaila is tall.

In front of The Swan House in Forks

Forks Community Hospital, workplace of Dr. Carlisle Cullen

Dr. Cullen has his own reserved parking spot at the hospital.

Forks High School - the sign was carefully recreated for the movie.

In front of City Hall.

Forks Police Dept patrol car - where's Charlie?

The "Cullen House" - a bed and breakfast in Forks

The Cullens were out of town.

Maybe not all of them - we caught Edward peeking out the window.

Entering Quileute land - no vampires allowed.

Backside of the Treaty Line sign.

Entering LaPush

Out on First Beach at LaPush - LOTS of driftwood out here!

Posing with Shaila, with James Island in the background, hidden behind the fog.

Stopping for dinner at Bella Italia in Port Angeles - home of Bella & Edwards first date.

On the Kingston-Edmonds ferry - Shaila's first trip on a ferry.

Side trip to Seattle - Shaila at the top of the Space Needle at night.

On one of the sculptural balls in front of the Space Needle

In front of the Space Needle in Seattle.

Another side trip to Enchanted Forest in Turner, OR for the day, posing in the witches mouth.

The old woman in the shoe, and her slide!

Back to Twilight mania - brunch at the Viewpoint Inn, site where the prom scenes were filmed for the Twilight movie. Shaila is wearing a dress I made, that looks similar to Bella's prom dress.

The Viewpoint Inn comes by its name honestly - just gorgeous!

In front of the inn, near where the gazebo was built for the film.

Enjoying our brunch.

Obligatory picture with the sign at the Viewpoint Inn

Coming down the stairs at the Viewpoint Inn, a la Victoria in the end credits.
Victoria might be a little taller, though. ;)

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