Monday, January 5, 2009

Running away to Vegas!

Yesterday was the 1st day of our Vegas roadtrip!  We drove from Portland to Reno...  10 long hours in the car... been awhile since I've done that, and wow, does that make a person a little sore.  

I'd love to say that I hit Reno and went all party girl, hanging out in the casino...  but instead I went straight to my hotel room and crashed.  The downside, though, is that I fell asleep early enough that I woke up at 5:30 this morning, Ugh!! 

So... now I'm sitting cross-legged on my bed in my pajamas, sipping room service coffee, and making use of the wifi access I paid a $10 daily us fee for.  (Charging your customers for wifi??  ....Ridiculous!!)

Anyway, not a whole lot to share about the trip yesterday...  it was long...  the roads were clear (thankfully), and the scenery was beautiful.  Here's some photos....  

John & Travis by the Klamath River

Me & Travis by the Klamath River.  

View from the road.  I think this is Shasta... but happily accepting any corrections if someone knows for sure! 

Darkness falling in the wilds of northern California.

The lights of Reno on the horion at last!

Today we'll be moving on to Vegas, via Highway 375... better known as the Extraterrestrial Highway, so tomorrow should bring more interesting photos!  

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